
Finding scientific literature (AI-powered)

PeerWriting Team2021-01-01

Université Libre de Bruxelles

What is this about?

From our personal experience, there are currently 4 levels of tools. We categorize them based on which part of the paper (or its metadata) that is searched, and the output they are able to provide: ranking, relation, data extraction 1. Rank papers, based on word matching in title & keywords— Cible+, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Web of Science, etc 2. Map network of citations— Connected Papers, Rabbit Research, Open Knowledge Map 3. Provides summary, influence-in-literature metrics, and rank papers, based on abstract and paper — Semantic Scholar 4. Extract & creates a table of information based on the AI-reading of the abstract and paper — Elicit Note that all methods use the title, keywords, and citation count. In most cases, we can’t explain the methods of each tools, either because they are not disclosed, (eg), or is too complex and beyond our scope.


Conventional Search engine Cible+ Science Direct Web of Science Scopus PubMed Google Scholar


Mapping Literature: Rabbit Research - Papers: >200M+ (it accesses semantic scholar database) - Creators: independents, based on Microsoft Academic Graphs Specificity: Mapping of paper relations based on citation - Fields: all Main Features 1. Maps all citing paper based on 1 or more paper seed 2. Promotes literature navigation via the visual interface. Allows traceback to the original query 3. Exploration of Authors and co-authors 4. Paper feed based on papers contained in your folders. 5. Zotero integration Best for: All types of search (general, or specific); exploring the research landscape of a topic; litterature monitoring Alternative: Connected Papers OpenKnowledge Maps Litmap Inciteful Microsoft academic graphs

PeerWriting Team

Université Libre de Bruxelles


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