Communication & Networking

Communication to others (congress, conferences) and knowledge transfer

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Communiquer oralement aux pairs en Français lors de colloques


Visibility and academic social networking


How to increase your writing efficiency

During this seminar, Dr Emmanuelle Honoré (at the time at Archeological dept. - Cambridge Univerisity) share his personal experience about monitoring literature.

Dr Emmanuelle Honoré


Step by step method to write a paper

Prof Berke shares his writing method in a comprehensive and detailed manner. His presentation focuses on the more detailed aspects of paper writing with the goal of avoiding major revisions. We will do this through actual personal examples of minor and major revised papers, and provide detailed explanations about their correction and lesson learned

Prof Peter Berke


Key Principles to writing a Scientific Paper

We ask a series of question Work organization and strategies: what is your process? How to avoid major revision? Dos and don’t during the writing process. What are the key aspects of each section of the paper? How to better communicate in a paper? General advice for PhDs

Prof Marc Geers


Code-free correlation exploration in datasets

What is data voyager 2? It’s a browser-based app, that allows you to upload your dataset, and search for correlation in visualisations of the data. Instead of producing randomly many correlation charts and metrics manually, you have instant access to all correlations possible in your dataset

PeerWriting Team


Préparer les défenses de thèse privée et publique

La table ronde traitera des aspects stratégiques et pratiques des défenses de thèse privée et publique.

Dr Anne Sophie Crosetti


Compétences et biais cognitifs des doctorant·e·s

Cette table ronde discutera des défis du raisonnement et de l'évaluation des sources scientifiques avec Hugo Mercier, chercheur en sciences cognitives

Prof Hugo Mercier


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