Productivity for PhD

Anything to do with accomplishing PhD tasks with more efficiency

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One-on-one sessions dedicated to developing information retrieval strategies and apply them to your research topic

During an individual session, specialised librarians help you develop a methodology and strategies for searching information in the library collections and in electronic resources (online catalogues, bibliographic databases, electronic journals, Internet) and apply these strategies using examples drawn from your research subject.


Book a personalized training to Zotero (specific for your discipline)

Bibliographic reference management software allows you to automatically create and import bibliographic references that you find online, save them, organise them, share them with collaborators, and export them in standard formats. Training sessions in the use of the FREE Zotero bibliographic management software are organised on request, individually or in small groups.


Finding scientific literature (AI-powered)

PeerWriting Team


Non linear note taking

Remnote is a freely accessible tool developed for non-linear note-taking and spaced repetition learning. What is non-linear note-taking? It is the very useful ability to connect concepts and topics across any note that you take (literature review, course, etc.), providing a structure to accumulated knowledge based on the ideas and concepts themselves rather than the sequences in which the notes were taken or the structure of the base material. Remnote also proposes a built-in tool for "spaced repetition learning" which helps you beat the infamous forgetting curve.

PeerWriting Team


How to increase your writing efficiency

During this seminar, Dr Emmanuelle Honoré (at the time at Archeological dept. - Cambridge Univerisity) share his personal experience about monitoring literature.

Dr Emmanuelle Honoré


Step by step method to write a paper

Prof Berke shares his writing method in a comprehensive and detailed manner. His presentation focuses on the more detailed aspects of paper writing with the goal of avoiding major revisions. We will do this through actual personal examples of minor and major revised papers, and provide detailed explanations about their correction and lesson learned

Prof Peter Berke


Key Principles to writing a Scientific Paper

We ask a series of question Work organization and strategies: what is your process? How to avoid major revision? Dos and don’t during the writing process. What are the key aspects of each section of the paper? How to better communicate in a paper? General advice for PhDs

Prof Marc Geers


What are preprints and how to make use of them?

A discussion about the use of preprint for researchers with Prof Olivier Klein

Prof Olivier Klein


Using Zotero

Zotero est un logiciel gratuit de gestion bibliographique. Il vous offre la possibilité de: - créer ou importer automatiquement vos références bibliographiques depuis les ressources en ligne (catalogue des bibliothèques, bases de données, Google Scholar,...) - les conserver et les intégrer aisément dans vos travaux - exporter vos références dans les formats exigés par les éditeurs de revues

Mme Françoise Vandooren


Tools, uses and misuses of AI in academic research at ULB 

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Consensus or other AI assistants are reshaping academic research, offering exciting possibilities but also raising critical questions. In this table ronde, we’ll explore how these tools work, their strengths and limitations, and how to use them effectively for tasks like literature searches, idea generation, critical review or content refinement. We’ll also address ethical concerns, ULB’s guidelines for responsible use, and strategies for maintaining research integrity. A call will also be made for a working group to further address these questions, bringing together PhD students and researchers from various disciplines.


Gestion du Stress spécifique au doctorat

L’objectif de cet atelier est de partager des informations empiriques concernant le stress et sa gestion, et d’échanger des trucs et astuces pour favoriser son bien-être et la réalisation de son doctorat dans les conditions les plus optimales possibles.

Dr Marine Jaeken


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